More time for PR Executives to create PR success, not just report on it.

Reporting on Public Relations is one of the most important stages in the PR workflow. However researching metrics, copying and pasting screenshots and formatting Powerpoint is not a good use of the PR fee or your team’s time. It’s also not what your PR execs majored in at university and college.

Make the most of your young, bright and socially aware PR execs and leave the PR reporting admin to us.

Start your free trial

30 day free trial, no commitment, no credit card required.
Annoying Salesperson will NOT call.

Trusted by over 13,254 agency and in-house public relations professionals in more than 40 countries
Customer Logos
Christine Taylor

“My first thought after using Coveragebook: Imagine how much time I would've saved as an intern! I can't say enough great things about how easy this tool is to use and how much time and headache it saves a PR professional who is tracking and reporting their clients' media presence and ROI from media coverage. The result is a polished report that clients will be excited to see (and you will be proud to present).”

Christine Taylor, PR Consultant & Event Coordinator

Data and screengrabs automated by CoverageBook

Less time on reporting admin. More for PR activity.

You’ve hired the best communications professionals, yet once a week they have to copy and paste coverage into Powerpoint and update spreadsheets with links and metrics. You didn’t win this business for the PR fee to be spent on this.

Let us do the donkey work. We’ll take screenshots, grab metrics, organise and create reports you, your team and the budget can be focused on the important stuff.

Daniel Johnson-Kim

“CoverageBook allows us to add coverage in bulk, generates screenshots and customize easily. We then get a comprehensive scope of how well a story has done as we can report links from coverage, the Domain Authority, online readership, coverage views and social shares. CoverageBook allows us to professionally show the success of our projects which is crucial in helping us secure repeat business.”

Daniel Johnson-Kim, Head of Media Liaison at 72Point US

Ready to spending your PR budget on communications rather than copy & pasting clips?

Add your coverage URLs to the free trial and let us do the rest.