Showcase & measure your SEO impact in coverage reports

SEO continues to be one of the fast-growing areas of Public Relations. Are you reporting on it yet? Your online PR coverage is having a positive impact on SEO but how to demonstrate success and select the best SEO metrics is a challenge. That’s where we come in..

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Trusted by over 13,254 agency and in-house public relations professionals in more than 40 countries
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Rich Leigh

“The Domain Authority metric allows us to demonstrate SEO impact from our PR work to clients. We have also tracked the ‘average domain authority’ score of all of the sites we have gained coverage and links on over 12 months. It shows the influential publishers we’re working with which is impressive to clients that care their search visibility”

Rich Leigh, Radioactive PR founder

Read the full Radioactive PR case study on using SEO metrics & CoverageBook

CoverageBook Domain Authority and Backlink metrics

Automated publisher Domain Authority scores & client backlink counter.

Every piece of coverage you earn from Digital PR that includes a link to your client’s site is contributing to their natural search visibility. i.e. There is an SEO benefit from the authentic backlinks you get from quality coverage. So you can and should be reporting back on your contribution. Let us do the hard work of finding the links in your coverage, counting them and analysing the strength through Domain Authority scores.

Start taking credit for Public Relations impact to SEO

Add your coverage URLs to the free trial and let us do the rest.