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PR benchmarking report 2025

How do your results compare to
the rest of the PR industry?

Are PR teams achieving coverage on ‘high profile’ news sites?

Bar graph showing percentage of people who have achieved coverage on sites within DA ranges.
High profile’ news site coverage is on the rise

US and UK High Domain Authority (DA) sites such as MSN, Yahoo! Forbes and the Daily Mail, which all have a DA above 90 feature amongst our most prolific sources of coverage last year. Find out more about the DA metric here.

Are PR pros sell-ins improving or have news desks changed?

In the last five years we have seen a tenfold increase in coverage achieved on very high DA (Domain Authority) sites (>90) - representing 15% of news URLs uploaded in 2024. This is up from 1.5% in 2020, a huge increase.

Is your PR team part of the elite?

When you get coverage on a site with a Domain Authority (DA) score of 90 or more, you’re within the top 15% of our users. Can your team achieve even more in 2025?

Are news stories being shared on social platforms?

Pie chart showing 67% of coverage has no social shares. 14% has 1-9 shares and 19% has more than 10 shares.
Does your coverage get shared? Congrats, it’s not the norm!

Over half (66%) of the 6 million pieces of global coverage we analysed didn’t get shared on social platforms. And only 19.2% of coverage was shared 10 times or more.

‘Make it go viral

A classic request from budget holders, but what does ‘viral’ really mean? If the social shares on your best piece of coverage are in double figures you’re on track! Just achieving between 10-19 shares places you in the top 19% of ‘most shared’ coverage results.

So, what is viral?

If your coverage received more than 100 social shares you’re actually doing better than many other teams. Only 7% of the 6 millions pieces of coverage analysed had over 100 shares.

Read ‘Experienced Media Analysts’ insights

Steph Bridgeman

Steph Bridgeman, the founder of ‘Experienced Media Analysts’ and board member of AMEC (association of measurement and evaluation of communications) has analysed the 6 million clips and shares their full insights in this blog post. 

Read full expert analysis

Find out how Bottle PR used the CoverageBook benchmark to report on their own results

Colin Cather

“The 2020 CoverageBook benchmark research found that only 40% of PR team’s coverage had a DA higher than 40.

Whereas 86% of Bottle PR coverage has a DA higher than 40.

Nothing is ever as simple as one measure, and that even measuring just ‘quality’ is not as straightforward as equating it to the DA of coverage. But we also know it takes a hard-working, focused team, forging great stories and creative content that audiences want to read, and journalists want to publish. That’s part of our not-so-secret-secret.

And we know what we’re doing works when one of our clients says: “We saw our domain authority (of our own website)  increase from 43 to 45. Year on year organic traffic is up 29%.”

Colin Cather, Co-founder / Creative Director, Bottle PR

Read their case study

Need more information?

Stella Bayles

If you need more information on the research or would like to cover the insight, Stella is happy to help. Email what you need and she’ll be happy to help.

Email Stella

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